While local wild birds offer their own
uniqe birdwatching experience, tropical climates and rainforest
environments seem to attract the most vibrantly colored and exotic
of bird species. Birds are extremely visual animals, and while you
may be familiar with the sight of a bright red male cardinal, imagine
the colors and patterns a bird must produce to compete with flowers
and trees as brilliant as those in jungle forests. From rainbow
lorikeets to vibrant macaws, tropical birds are perhaps the most
visually stunning members of the bird family.
Parrots aren't just another pretty face. Well-known
among bird-owners as being incredibly intelligent (comparable in some
cases to a five year old child), they can be taught (or teach themselves)
not only how to mimic human speech, but to understand the actual meaning
behind the words. African Gray parrots are well-known for their ability
to solve problems and identify objects and people by name. |
For more fun facts, click on the individual birds on the left of the page.